Genesis 2:9
"And out of the ground the
LORD God made every tree
grow that is pleasant to the
sight and good for food"

Plant a tree for the future. Trees are wonderful impressions of God's creation. They grow and become a place of rest for the birds and many fury animals. They lend shade to those who seek it in the heat of the noon day sun. They represent a piece of history for those who planted them.

Planting a tree as a remembrance of someone deeply loved and sadly lost has been a long time tradition. As well as planting a tree to commemorate a special occasion. Such as a tree planted in Tasmania for the coronation of Queen Mary. Someone of social merit.

Finding the right tree and the right place to plant is vital in ensuring that the memory and the legacy are not forgotten. Or becomes a burden to those left behind. Such as planting too close to a church or a building.

As Christians we can each recognise the significance of all of nature. And that trees are indeed beautiful reflections of our God's grand design for the earth.

Plant ~ Embrace ~ Remember

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Tears of Joy
Changing the World
One Life at a Time


Scripture: First Sunrise
From the first day of your life.

Book: Faith by Hearing
The story of Gospel Recordings.

Poetry: Eternity in a Tear Drop
Eternity is subjective not objective.

Recipe: Banana Milk
Yes you read that correctly.

Garden: Keeping Geaunea Pigs
Small little fur-balls with attitude.

Film: Oblivion
An intriguing film that questions the narrative.

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