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Matthew 7:12

Respect is something we can take for granted. Until we absentmindedly forget and we show someone the opposite.

This can happen when we begin to take someone for granted. When we take people for granted we can lose a sense of their importance to us. We begin to expect them to act and behave in ways we have come to see as a given. In some ways it can even become an expectation based on who we are over who they are to us.

Sadly we can do the same with God. Taking his Grace for granted and failing to remember his Majesty. Take time today to thank God for always being there for you.

Respect I’ll renew,
as I follow you.



1 Corinthians 16:14

Tragically the word love has been corrupted by generations of sinners. So many will twist the word to mean a physical lustful love based in sensuality.

The Bible teaches us that true love is not the same as carnal love. That we are called to love each other as God first loved us.

Love in the forms of;

Agape (Godly and unconditional)

Philia( close, kindred friendship)

Storge (empathy and compassion).



Habakkuk 2:3

Having chickens and ducks I collect eggs. These eggs are always fresh and tasty in a range of recipes. But so far no baby chicks or ducks. I just need to be patient.

Habakkuk had a similar problem. He waited in prayer and found God’s silence. While Babylon’s mistreatment of Judah hung heavy on his heart. When would God answer his prayers? God tells Habakkuk that it will take time.

And it took six decades for his prayers to be answered. Only when God and the people were ready did the rescues take place. Things haven’t changed, we are still impatient. So many things are promised to be instantaneous. If something takes even a few minutes to load on our smart phone or arrive via the Internet, people can become frustrated and upset. When did people become so time focused?

The old adage to;

Let go
Let God
In his time
Not ours

Is so vital in a world that can distract us from our Savior King.


Our Witness
Romans 1:16

Many Christians have a mixture of family and friend who are saved or not saved.

How committed to faith are we? How comfortable are we if we were asked about the salvation of our family and friends? Take a moment and ask yourself about the people in your life that won’t be going to Heaven. Have you spoken to them about the Gospel? Are you okay with them going into an eternal judgment of hell? What is stopping you from sharing the most vital information with the ones you profess to love and care about? Isn't it time to make a list of those you will miss most in heaven?I challenge you each to stop making excuses and to start earnestly praying and engaging your close family and friends with the gospel truth that you have come to accept and rejoice in. The time for excuses is over.PrayerEach day I pray for the courage to share the Gospel with my family and friends.