April Gardening
Gardening with Michael

As I live in the Blue Mountains area it can get cold and wet at this time of year. So my advice with focus on what is suggested for such garden environments.

  • There's plenty to do in the garden at this time of year. Withgreat flavours such as coriander, mint and lemon balm are always worth working with.
  • Now is also a good time to work with vegetables. A range of quality items can be established such as Chinese Cabbage, Spinach, Rocket, Broccoli, Spring Onions (fuuny that Spring Onion in Autumn), Artichoke, Asparagus, Celery, Endive, Squash, Onions, Silverbeet, Leeks, Carrots and of course Lettuce.
  • There are also a range of colour that can be added to the garden for the extra magical decorative touch. Flowers that work well at this time of year are Dianthus,Cornflower, Pansy and Viola.
  • Every garden needs mulch. So now is a good timeto top it up. It works great in the vegie patches in maintaining wsil warmth and nutrient levels. It is also great at suppressing weed levels. Just remember to mulch after watering. Keep the mulch away from tender new stems, especially seedlings.
  • Weeding is one of those all year jobs. At least at this time of year it can seem somewhat easier as the weeds will not be as robust and stirdy as in Summer.
  • As for when to water? The smartthing is to water early in the mrning with a deep saturation. This works well as it helps the soil hold on to moisture through the day; and if you have water restrictions that permit watering a set times, it will help keep you within the local council laws.

Talk to your local garden supply for more fun suggestions and ideas for your Autumn Garden.

Happy gardening,