Humble Blessings ©









The World tells us we are born with privileges.
To be able to demand and expect only the best.
If we find ourselves short changed;
Then scream even louder to get what you deserve.
And life will be a bed of roses.

Yet in the humble birth of a baby born in a manger;
We find the complete opposite of such expectations.
We find a meek humility that defies arrogance.
And speaks to us of vulnerability and need.
In a meager bed of straw and dreams.

The World tells us to be proud.
Challenge any who would stand in our way.
Demand accolades and rewards.
We have made our own path that we tread.
With a baton we run the race our way.

Yet in the life of Jesus we find a different path.
One filled with obstacles and struggles.
Challenging enemies looking for weakness.
All the while the Lord stays focused.
As he prepares the message to be handed on.

The World will say that we can wear Victory.
An honor that is ours and ours alone.
Nobody has done what we can do for us.
As we step and trod on any who get in our way.
We are told to grab the laurel of triumph.

Yet in the story of the shadow of the Cross;
We see a different victory and reward.
One that to this day defies the World.
Where Victory is only found in defeat.
And the crown of honour is a crown of thorns.

In the end the World will be left empty.
Lost for all it's false hopes and schemes.
At pains to understand the judgment;
That will be given to those who followed it.
And got lost in the web of lies and deceit.

While the Lord is truly triumphant in majesty.
Returning to fulfill the Holy promise given.
That any who should trust in his name:
Shall find their heavenly rest in his love.
For now and for ever.

MJ Flack