The Gift of Leadership








Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:2

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

How often we find leaders that sadly fail our expectations. And how oddly society is quick to cut others down. In what has come to be called the "Tall Poppy Syndrome". And yet there are many unsung and unnoticed leaders. Those who get the job done. And never seemingly cause so much as a stir, and in many cases are never mentioned again.

We can look at historic and see the pages full of scoundrels, rogues and individuals of great strength and ego. But for every one of these seemingly huge titans, there are untold unheard of leaders who are left unnoticed perhaps as they don't cause a big enough stir as to warrant any interest in them.

We are called to be Leaders within our Church and Lights for the World. We are called to live our lives as the scripture says. Quietly, peaceably and based in Godliness and Honesty. And by these; others will come to understand and respect us.

We, as countless others, may never gain notoriety. Nor gain accolades for our achievements. But within our heart we will know that it is not the notice of Man that we seek. But the calm still assurance of the Holy Spirit. And in this we find our closeness to God. As the ultimate Leader of all. Knowing it is a higher calling and a deeper understanding that we are called to.

Lord, in the midst of our human struggles: And the day to day movements of the human heart. We pray that we will always stay true to you. Our Lord and Saviour. The very foundation of our Moral Compass. That in all things, we will always look to you for guidance. And in all things, give you due respect and honour for your Holy Spirit. That aids and guides us.

We pray these things in your Blessed name.