The Latest Idol








"American Idol? Australian Idol? How many false gods do people value?"

MJ Flack

Exodus 20:3-5
Matthew 22:37-39
Luke 16:13


If asked who they worship and bow down to; most people would either laugh the question off. Or scoff at it, as they don't have a belief system that has such concepts within it. And yet a closer examination of their life's would soon reveal the things they hold closest and dearest. Some of these things will be seemingly useful and rational Such things as Family, Career and Health. And yet others may be less acceptable and more aggressive and detrimental. Such things as Drug addiction, Gambling Addiction or a range of negative behavioural patterns.

When we see such a strong focuses being lived out, we soon see either the absence or the lack of a real tangible focus on worshiping the God of creation. We can soon see that the relationship between the created and the creator is out of focus. And lacks any true depth. But then how could it have depth? When it has been replaced as the number one most important thing in a persons life. With something easily tangible. And able to answer all their 'Felt Needs'.

Imagine an image of a man floating in the open sea. One way or another he has ended up in the open sea. Being tossed and moved by the waves around him. Lucky for him he has found himself surrounded by things he holds near and dear. Things that he can feel and cherish. Yet ultimately he will drown. He will no longer be able to tread water. And go under.

Along comes someone who is able to rescue him. Someone who is above the mad movement of the waves. And is able to see the bigger picture. One that can show him clearly the dire situation the person is in. So he calls out to him. "Grab this rope. I will pull you towards me and help you out of the situation you find yourself. If you stay there you will drown."

And yet our first person doesn't see any danger. With all his cherished things within easy grasp. And the feeling of being somehow in control. Well, as long as he can reach such cherished items. He ignores the call. And continues onward. Perhaps from time to time holding one of his cherished things closer. And feeling somehow reassured.

The waves become higher. The water seems somehow colder. And strangely darker and deeper. The man in the boat scream out "Please grab the rope so I can save you." As he keeps struggling to get the first mans attention. He calls him. He begs him. He even risks his own life to save him. And yet to no avail. The first man is happy and oblivious.

Then it happens. Perhaps not suddenly. Perhaps even rather slowly and with little perception of what is going on. The first man slowly begins to sink below the waves. As he holds his cherished things for comfort. He seems oblivious to the water edging closer and closer to his head. Till he finds his head is now under the water. And the waves crashing over him. Forcing him farther down. Try as he may; the so called cherished things no longer offer comfort and security. But seemingly they are now heavy. And start to drag him down deeper and deeper. Things that still look good yet have limited reality.

Perhaps it is at this point most people would expect a sane person to suddenly release these heavy weights. Let go of the things that are no longer affording real comfort and reassurance. And in a brave and new light of rational reason; reach out for the rope that had constantly been offered them. And surprisingly, this rope will be found to be still there. Waiting for them to just accept it, take hold of it and embrace it's message of true hope. A reality that is hard to see when we are distracted with 'Felt' things.

Yet sadly many will cling to such cherished things to the bitter end. They have lived for so long in an imagined world. One where it is only the "Felt Needs' and "Physical Realms' that make any sense to them. Sort of an 'Egocentric Co-dependent Relationship'. One where they will only accept and recognise things that make an immediate impact on them. One which can be measured and observed rationally.

As we pause to consider this short story; it is sad to realise that many within the Christian Church seem to have fallen for these false idles. They may well show up to Church one day a week. Yet their true focus is on things outside their relationship with God. Things to do with the World. Things that in the end may not drown them. As they are saved by their Faith in Jesus Christ. But will eventually shadow their witness to others. And make them spiritually inactive and ineffective.


Lord Jesus,
I take this time to...

Close my eyes,
So that I may see only your loving image.
Close my ears,
So that I may hear only your calming voice.
Focus my thoughts,
So that I may consider only your message.
Still my soul,
So that I may embrace your Holy Spirit.

And as I do these simple things,
I may continue to worship only you in my life.
