Persecution P1








"We are called to enter the fray and battle. We are called to stand firm in our Faith.
The question is are we ready?"

MJ Flack

Scriptural Reference:
12 "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,"
2 Timothy 3:12 ESV

Christians are not promised a perfect life. Nor are they guaranteed constant happiness. The World enjoys mocking Christians who suffer conflict and peril. In fact many Atheist find a perverse joy in taunting and upsetting Christians with such comments as "Where's you Loving God now?". For those who claim to be Humanists, their sarcasm betrays their true lack of empathy and compassion.

So what are Christians promised if they seemingly don't have it any better off than those who openly reject God and flaunt their sins in public? Christians have a Blessed Assurance of Salvation. A Comfort of knowing that they are right with God through their Saviour Jesus. They have the Holy Scripture to help them make sense of the World. The have the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide them on their journey. They have a close and perfect relationship with the Saviour

So why the suffering? Actually a lot of Suffering is a Human Problem and not always a Spiritual one. I am not here denying that there is a Spiritual Battle between the Powers of Light and the Powers of darkness. We do live in the midst of a Spiritual War. And Satan and his Daemons will use every trick and attack they can to dishearten and lead Christians astray.

What I am talking about is the suffering and hardship that humans bring on themselves. The choices that people make that cause them to suffer in the long run. Humanity has an incredible range of disease's. These are for the most part brought about by the over use of antibiotics and elicit drugs. It doesn't take a God to ruin someone's life as quickly as the abuse of alcohol and drugs. Mankind makes the mess and than looks to blame anyone else but themselves. So typical.

As a sort of easy comparison. If an aeroplane runs into great difficulty and disaster. The plane crashes and all onboard die in a tolerant of flame and carnage. It doesn't take long for someone take decry "where was God? or "Why did God let this happen?". Than on the other hand, if the same plane were to miraculously somehow make it back to the ground and all survive. It doesn't take long for someone to state "What an amazing Pilot to safely bring the plane down and save all the passengers".

That was an example of how fickle people are when it comes to God and Disasters. The tendencies to find fault in the supernatural or supreme. While revelling in the achievements of humans. The need to sarcastically disclaim anything outside the five senses (a topic I plan on writing up on at a later date). The concept of something intangible and spiritual is alien to these people. Even to some degree the very concepts of Love and Compassion come down to measurable equations of chemical functions within the human brain. So much for pure love.

There is the Spiritual Conflict which brings about a range of conflict and distress to Christians that is unique to it alone. This persecution is revealed in many forms. The most recent one has been the persecution of Christians by Muslims. Where many have been tortured and killed for their faith. It seems it doesn't take much to cause an outrage or excuse for such anti social actions.

Yet Christians are expressively told by the World that they have to be Politically Correct. That they are not allowed to subject Muslims to any forms of discrimination. That equality and acceptance must be the only truths to be adhered to. All the while, Muslims abuse and attack Christians and anyone else they find in contradiction to their belief system.

The Chinese have what is considered both a Blessing and a Curse.

"May you live in Interesting Times."

As we continue through life and history, we are indeed confronted with Interesting Times. When the gaps between those who starve and those who lavish in wealth grows wider every hour. Where the conflicts between Christians and Muslims becomes written in blood and sacrifice. Where World Politics are directed by Corporate Greed instead of Human Needs. We will continue to suffer for the faith. But count it a blessing that we are. For our true reward is not in this life. But in the blessed assurance of a life with or Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ.


Heavenly Father.
This World is in constant pain.
There are so many who are confused,
Hurt and disadvantaged by conflict.

May I hold firm to the faith,
Not wavering under Satan's attacks.
Nor giving in to temptation.
But standing firm on your promise.

That I may shine as a beacon,
A light of your compassion and grace,
Calling as many as will listen
To repent and return to you,
Rejoicing in you Salvation.

I don't ask for an easy life,
What I do pray for is this,
That I may never leave your side,
And that I may stand firm in all trials.

I pray these things in you precious name,
My Lord, my Saviour, my Friend,
Christ Jesus.
